EMC News Blog

Thursday, May 24, 2007

International Children's Digital Library

Here is the link to a website which features online children's books from around the world: www.childrenslibrary.org.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

New EMC Language Arts Materials

May 2007

Teaching Ideas Collection

Anderson, Nancy. Elementary Children’s Literature: the Basics for Teachers and Parents. Pearson, 2006. EMC PN1009.A1.A464 2006

Atwell, Nancie. The Reading Zone: How to Help Kids Become Skilled, Passionate, Habitual, Critical Readers. Scholastic, 2007. EMC LB1050.45.A795 2007

Bear, Donald. Words Their Way: Letter and Picture Sorts for Emergent Spellers. Pearson, 2006. EMC LB1050.44.B433 2006

Beck, Isabel. Making Sense of Phonics: the Hows and Whys. Guilford Press, 2006.
EMC LB1573.3.B43 2006

Brassell, Danny. Readers for Life: the Ultimate Reading Fitness Guide, K-8. Heinemann, 2006. EMC LB1573.B693 2006

Butzow, Carol. The Natural World Through Children’s Literature: An Integrated Approach. Teacher Ideas Press, 2007. EMC LB1532.B88 2007

Combs, Martha. Readers and Writers in the Primary Grades: A Balanced and Integrated Approach: K-4. Pearson, 2006. EMC LB1528.C64 2006

Copeland, Brenda. Using Picture Books to Teach Language Arts Standards in Grades 3-5. Libraries Unlimited, 2006. EMC LB1044.9.P49.C665 2006

De Las Casas, Dianne. Story Fest : Crafting Story Theater Scripts. Teachers Ideas Press, 2006. EMC PN3157.D35 2006

Ganske, Kathy. Word Sorts and More: Sound, Pattern and Meaning Explorations K-3. Guilford Press, 2006. EMC LB1181.2.G36 2006

Gordh, Bill. Stories in Action: Interactive Tales and Learning Activities to Promote Early Literacy. Libraries Unlimited, 2006. EMC LB1042.G66 2006

Graves, Michael. The Vocabulary Book: Learning and Instruction. Teacher’s College Press, 2006. EMC LB1574.5.G72 2006

Gipe, Joan. Multiple Paths to Literacy: Assessment and Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners: K-12. Pearson, 2005. EMC LB1050.5.G545 2006

Heilman, Arthur. Phonics in Proper Perspective. Pearson, 2006.
EMC LB1573.3.H44 2006

Irving, Jan. Stories, Time and Again: A Program Guide for Schools and Libraries. Libraries Unlimited, 2006. EMC LB1027.25.I78 2006

Jenkins, Carol Brennan. Once Upon a Fact: Helping Children Write Nonfiction. Teachers College Press, 2006. EMC LB1576.J39 2006

Kissner, Emily. Summarizing, Paraphrasing and Retelling: Skills for Better
Reading, Writing and Test Taking. Heinemann, 2006. EMC LB1050.45.K47 2006

Laminack, Lester. Learning Under the Influence of Language and Literature: Making the Most of Read-Alouds Across the Day. Heinemann, 2006.
EMC LB1573.5.L346 2006

Leograndis, Denise. Fluent Writing: How to Teach the Art of Pacing. Heinemann, 2006. EMC LB1576.L446 2006

Lucht, Lauren Berman. The Wonder of Word Study: Lessons and Activities to Create Independent Readers, Writers and Spellers. Heinemann, 2006.
EMC LB1574.5.L835 2006

McDonald, Nan. Teaching Literacy Through the Arts. Guilford Press, 2006.
EMC LB1576.M39745 2006

Meyerson, Maria. Strategies for Struggling Readers and Writers: Step by Step. Pearson, 2006. EMC LB1573.M454 2006

Paterson, Kathy. Differentiated Learning: Language and Literacy Projects that Address Diverse Classrooms. Pembroke Publishers, 2005. EMC LB1576.P267 2005

Polette, Nancy. Books Every Child Should Know: The Literature Quiz Book. Libraries Unlimited, 2006. EMC Z718.1.P74 2006

Rice, Linda. What Was It Like? Teaching History and Culture Through Young Adult Literature. Teachers College Press, 2006. EMC E741.R53 2006

Rosow, La Vergne. Accessing the Classics: Great Reads for Adults, Teens, and English Language Learners. Libraries Unlimited, 2006. EMC Z1035.R825 2006

Roth, Rita. The Story Road to Literacy. Teacher Ideas Press, 2006.
EMC LB1576.R754 2006

Tompkins, Gail. Literacy for the 21st Century: A Balanced Approach. Pearson, 2006.
EMC LB1576.T657 2006

Topping, Donna. Getting Grammar: 150 New Ways to Teach an Old Subject. Heinemann, 2006. EMC PE1112.T67 2006

Vacca, Jo Anne. Reading and Learning to Read. Pearson, 2006.
EMC LB1573.V32 2006

EMC Nonfiction Collection

Campoy, F. Isabel. Tales Our Abuelitas Told. Atheneum Books, 2006.
EMC 398.2.A191t

Dahl, Michael. If You Were a Noun. Picture Window Books, 2006.
EMC 428.1D131i

Dahl, Michael. If You Were a Verb. Picture Window Books, 2006.
EMC 428.1.D131i

Dahl, Michael. If You Were an Adjective. Picture Window Books, 2006.
EMC 428.2.D131i

Dahl, Michael. If You Were an Adverb. Picture Window Books, 2006.
EMC 428.2.D131i

Hughes, Langston. Langston Hughes: Poetry for Young People. Sterling, 2006.
EMC 811.52.H8931

Marcus, Leonard (ed.). The Wand in the Word: Conversations with Writers of Fantasy. Candlewick Press, 2006. EMC 808.83.W245

Paschen, Elise. Poetry Speaks to Children. Sourcebooks, 2005.
EMC 811.008.P745

Todd, Mark. Whatcha Mean, What’s a Zine?: The Art of Making Zines and Mini-Comics. Houghton Mifflin, 2006. EMC 070.5.T635w