EMC News Blog

Thursday, October 22, 2009

IDEAS Database Provides Wisconsin Teachers with Great Teaching Ideas

All Wisconsin teachers and future teachers will greatly benefit from using the IDEAS database. Here is the description found on the IDEAS home page:

IDEAS provides Wisconsin educators with teacher-reviewed, standards-aligned lessons, interactive tools, video, and other resources for use in curriculum development and classroom instruction.

Here is the URL: http://ideas.wisconsin.edu/

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

The Einstein Project

I wanted to make you aware of an awesome science resource. This website is of particular interest to those of you teaching K-8 science. It is called "The Einstein Project," and the way to access it is by clicking on this URL: http://www.einsteinproject.org/einstein/for+educators/unit+offerings/default.asp

The Einstein Project is a nonprofit organization which promotes the advancement of K-8 hands-on science learning in Wisconsin. Over 40 unit plans for the K-8 science curriculum are provided, including recommended books and websites for each unit.

I think you'll find this very helpful.
